Louisiana Governor Orders State to Start Tracking Cost of Illegal Immigration for Taxpayers

Jeff Landy
by Eric Lendrum


The newly-inaugurated Governor of Louisiana has ordered all of the state’s agencies to start actively tracking the costs of illegal immigration, so the taxpayers of the state can know how much they are spending on illegals due to Joe Biden’s open-borders policies.

As reported by Breitbart, Governor Jeff Landry (R-La.) signed an executive order on Tuesday mandating such tracking efforts by every statewide agency, in order to better understand how to cut such costs. Every agency head must report their data directly to Landry’s office.

“The cost of illegal immigration in this state is falling on the shoulders of hard-working Louisianans,” said Landry (pictured above) in a statement.

This Executive Order will analyze data to determine the financial burden our citizens are being forced to carry because of those who do not follow the law,” the order states. “Louisiana will always welcome those who legally immigrate, but taxpayers cannot continue to foot the bill for individuals who break the law and skip the line.”

Studies have already been conducted regarding the number of illegal aliens living in Louisiana today, and how much they are costing the state’s taxpayers. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that at least 100,000 illegals are living in the state, plus at least 34,000 anchor babies. The average Louisianan taxpayer is spending over $4,600 per illegal alien, while each household is paying $346 for the overall costs of illegal immigration in the state.

Governor Landry, the former Attorney General of the state, was elected in December in a landslide victory that was widely seen as an upset. Despite running against seven other Republicans and two Democrats in the blanket primary, and with every poll expecting him to finish below 50% and thus go to a runoff with Democratic frontrunner Shawn Wilson, Landry instead received 52% of the vote and thus won the election outright. He was inaugurated on January 8th.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness. 





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One Thought to “Louisiana Governor Orders State to Start Tracking Cost of Illegal Immigration for Taxpayers”

  1. Randall Davidson

    Sounds like a great idea we should do here in Tennessee.
